Product recommendation: an end to searching for cables

No more looking for cables 

We’re putting an end to tiresome cable search parties with f-fix!

Cables laid in cavity walls can fall down when insulation is inserted or when the wall is plastered. You then have to look for them. You might have to “fish” the cables out using a wire or drill into the wall, causing damage that will be costly to repair. Secure your cables into the cavity wall with our f-fix so you don’t have to go looking for cables, saving you time and money.

For a partition wall with planks on one side, the positions for the plugs and switches are first marked on the clean side of the wall. Before f-fix is applied, you must drill a 10mm-diameter hole in the middle of the marked positions on the plasterboard. The f-fix is screwed to the planked side and the cables are secured to the f-fix using cable ties. After the insulation has been inserted and the wall plastered, a hole is drilled through the whole wall using a special 5mm drill. The drill goes through the f-fix, preventing the drill from slipping or damaging the cables. The central bit of the core cutter is inserted into the hole, dropping the hole for the plug. A drill template can be used to add additional holes.

You can then easily insert the plugs.

  • For cable fixing in HW socket box installations
  • No unnexessary holes
  • No fishing for the cable
  • No complex cable search
  • No cable damage
  • Valuable time saved 


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